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Monday, February 23, 2009

Food Storage

So we decided to use some of our tax return to invest in a rotation shelf thing for our food storage. We still don't have a lot but it's a start. We didn't really want it out in the garage so it's in our kitchen. It looks a little odd because our kitchen is small already but it's convenient and we always know what we have on hand and need to buy more of. Anyway exciting stuff for us!

3 people were amused:

sweetmama.heather said...

That's really cool! I'd love to get something like that when we move into a house, for now it's just a little cabinet thing.

CaraDee said...

I want one of those. I have a few in the laundry room, but I need MOER.

NellieV said...

Whoo hoo! it's like shooping in your own house.