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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oldies that I can NOW laugh about... *sigh*

Since I haven't blogged in a while I thought I'd start with some oldies that I found while looking through some pictures. My mischievous children that get into everything! This is "fun with baby powder".

My eyelids after using a certain face wash product. Red, itchy, burning, puffy... Yeah, I don't use that anymore. :) Oh,and this is the product. Totally not recommending it.

5 people were amused:

CaraDee said...

Great, see what I get to look forward to? At first glance, I thought it was cinders from the fireplace. Powder is better. ha!

What face product??

Dave and Amber said...

Acne Free.

NellieV said...

Poor lady lol and you say nothing happens at your house. Just wait till Sean gets there.

Kacy said...

That is awesome. I am not surprised that Brigitte was involved in this fun activity. LOL She is a hoot.

Angela said...

Wow, my kids pulled a similar baby powder stunt not to long ago. Although I lucked out because only one of them could move, the other was my 9th month old innocent bystander. The good news is though every time I vacuum I still get a nice baby powder scent! Hope you do too :)