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Sunday, August 24, 2008

First day of school

Off to first grade!!
She really enjoyed her first week of school. We'll see how she likes it once she starts getting homework. She was worried about going to school all day but I think she likes having 2 recesses and eating lunch at school.

Amberlee is into High School Musical stuff right now. That is what is on her new backpack. Go Wildcats!

4 people were amused:

NellieV said...
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NellieV said...

her backpack is bigger than she is good thing homework in 1st grade is all papers and no books she'd fall over backward if you filled it with anything else.

Kacy said...

Kennidee loves high school musical too. Dawson thinks the two recess thing is really cool. Who is Amber's teacher? Dawson has Skillicorn and is an Early bird. I love that he walks with the other kids. Is Amber walking with kids or are you taking her. Cameron is walking with the kids too. If Amber is early she could walk with them too.

Aimee said...

How fun!!!

Yeah, go Wildcats!!! haha